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Networking – How To Make It Less Painful & More Beneficial!

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I know many of you out there HATE the thought of having to network.  I bet some of you might have even gotten to the door of an event and literally turned around and headed back home?  I’m also willing to bet there are some of you out there, like me, that actually look forward to networking events?  Whether you’re an introvert, an extrovert, or even an ambivert – that’s actually a thing, ambiverts are those who fall relatively in the middle of being introverted and extroverted, it’s almost like being ambidextrous, but with your personality…whatever your personality type, we can all probably agree that networking to grow your business (or professional career) is important.   We’re here to give you some simple tips on how to make it less painful (for those of you that dread it) and more beneficial (for all).  Your time, money and energy are valuable – networking can and should be both fun and provide a solid ROI at the same time!

Let’s start at the beginning, peel back the layers of this onion and get right to the heart of the topic…what does networking really mean?  One definition of networking that is perfect in this context is: to interact with other people to exchange information and develop contacts, especially to further one’s career. Pretty simple right?

Go away pain…

If you’re the type of person that is painfully shy, just isn’t super comfortable being in groups of people, or maybe you might find the mere thought of going to a networking event causes you anxiety – here are a few tips on how to alleviate the stress:

1. The Buddy System – How about finding someone to go with?  You might be able to find a colleague, a coworker, a friend or even an employee to tag along with you!
2. S.O.S .  Ask for Help- Talk to the organizer, director, or someone involved with the event – let them know that you see the potential value in attending their event but be honest about your stress. You are not alone, they’ll understand and they’ll probably be more than happy to help!  They might connect you with one of their veteran members or an ambassador in their organization that can introduce you around and sort of stay with you.
3. Practice Relaxation Techniques – Whether you’re skilled at mindfulness practices like breathing techniques or meditation (you can easily search for tips on these) or maybe you just need a glass of wine…find something that helps you relax a bit!  I know some great networkers that are comfortable around people and even enjoy events like this but we’re all human and sometimes we’re wound a little tight…even the best of us can benefit by having some tools in our toolbox to help us relax and ease into an event!

Time is money, make it count…

Now for our top 5 tried & true tips on how to use networking to grow your business (or career):

1. Find Your Tribe – The first thing to be mindful of, and something I often recommend to colleagues or clients, is to ‘find your tribe’.  I often suggest that it’s best to try before you buy – identify different organizations that might make sense to join and/or to get involved with then see what kinds of events are available for you to attend.  Go visit, make sure the people that attend seem like the type of people you can see yourself fitting in with, the events are run in a way that works for your personality and you can see that the investment might provide a return on investment.

2. Show Up – It’s more than just signing up for an event and physically being there.  When you’ve invested the time, money and energy to attend…you need to really be present, open and ready to make connections.
3. Be Authentic – I can’t stress this one enough!  Don’t be ‘that person’ that shows up to take 10 business cards and give 10 business cards…yucko!  We’re all people and I guarantee that if you’re authentic and open, you’ll make some pretty cool connections that turn into lasting relationships.  Most people are interesting if you take the time to listen – ask questions and be curious!
Not Everything is Black & White – Something that I believe wholeheartedly to be true is that not everything is a straight line!  For instance, you might meet me at an event and just because I might not need your service doesn’t mean I don’t know someone who does or will in the future…
4. Follow Up – You’ve identified different groups and picked events to attend.  You’ve attended, been present, authentic, curious, and you’ve made some great new connections…now what?  Follow up!  We are all different and all have different time management algorithms, habits and so on, right?  What works for me might not work the best for you but there is a basic routine you can follow then tweak along the way.  Let’s say you get home from an event, you’re energized and you’ve met 5 people that you’d like to stay connected with in hopes that it’ll develop into a lasting relationship of some sort?  Maybe you’ll become referral resources for each other or maybe it’s a great potential client for you?  Whatever the scenario, here are a few basic tips on follow-up…

5. Enter contact info into your database(s).
– Do a little social research – follow, like or connect!
– Send an email/note – I like to send an email that night or within a couple days myself letting them know ‘why’ I enjoyed meeting them (or seeing them again) and might suggest we meet for coffee, a business meeting, etc…to continue the conversation ?
– Then stay in front of them with email campaigns, social shares/likes/favorites or retweets.

I try to go to any event with the mindset that I’ll probably run into someone that I maybe haven’t seen in awhile (yay) and that I’ll probably meet at least a couple/few people that I’ll authentically connect with – I know it also helps that I truly like people (most anyway) and find business in general fascinating.  I get that I might not be the norm, but I do know that many of these tips have helped dozens of friends and colleagues ease into networking and make it beneficial in their businesses.  I hope you’ll find a take-away here and that you’re future networking events are stress-free and bountiful!

Strategic Partnerships & Cross-Pollination

TRS Hub door

Recent Hub Digital Marketing Blog

Over the past couple of years, we at Hub Digital have been cultivating some relationships with other complimentary business owners that we’ve met in our travels (it’s one of the biggest benefits of working in a co-working space!). One that I’ve found to have been of great value to both me and my clients has been a special partnership formed with Tuni Schartner, of TRS Strategies and TS Consulting.

With years of entrepreneurship and business consulting under her belt, Tuni has honed the best practices for business owners and is committed to sharing those tips and tricks. Through my client work, I’ve found that many times, their needs extend beyond the computer. While they may come to me needing help with social media, blogging or website development, through the process they’ve realized they need a little something extra. As they streamline and perfect their digital presence, they find they need help with a variety of things including business strategy, integrated marketing, event planning and promotions and even grassroots marketing. Enter Tuni Schartner.

Today we’ve asked Tuni to tell us a little bit about herself and her company and to give us the “why” behind the importance of having an integrated marketing strategy that extends beyond the digital environment:

I have an authentic interest in business, social psychology and history and I truly like people so helping businesses grow is a very natural fit for me.  I’m not ashamed to say that at 48 and having been an entrepreneur, or entrepreneur in training, since around age 10…I’m a little bit obsessed with what I do.  I am deeply committed to education and growth myself – on a daily basis – and love to put all that I learn into practice.  I refer to myself often as ‘a professional spaghetti thrower’…I am in a constant state, for my own business(es) and for my client projects, of throwing spaghetti against the wall and quantifying what is sticking, what isn’t, what to shelf, trash or invest more time, money and energy into!

Business development and/or marketing – no matter what your industry – is changing at the speed of light.  All the rules are in a constant state of change.  Staying on top of all that change is fun for people like Amy and I.  I love working with Amy/Hub Digital and find that her millennial mind and skill set coupled with her education and experience continues to be the perfect compliment to mine.  Our clients are continuing to reap the rewards of our partnership and we’re continuing to develop new service offerings and programs, such as a series of ‘short’ and extremely affordable online classes that we will begin to launch (two at a time) quarterly starting in September!

In order for companies to grow they really need to take a holistic, and objective, approach to looking at their business – identifying their ‘why’ (as per Simon Sinek’s TED Talk – we often know what you do, how you do it,  but not ‘why’ you do it), clearly identify their differentiator(s) and unique value propositions then create short and long term growth objectives.  We work closely with each client to help them work through this process, as well as clearly defining who their audience is then we create integrated marketing strategies with clear short and long term growth objectives.

TRS Strategies/Hub Digital Marketing

Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Information Session to be Held at The Hive RI

Small business owners are invited to join The Hive RI, the Southern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce, and the North Kingstown Chamber of Commerce for a free information session on Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses.

10,000 Small Businesses is an education program that helps small business owners grow and create jobs by providing them with greater access to education, financial capital and business-support services. Through the program, participants will gain practical skills in topics such as negotiation, marketing, and employee management, and receive the tools to develop a customized business plan for growth.

This free information session, held on July 14th at The Hive RI, will begin at 5:30 pm. Presentation begins at 6:00 PM, Q&A from 6:30 PM, one-on-one Q&A/networking until 7:30 PM. Light refreshments will be provided. RSVP to by July 11th, and check out our Facebook event page here.

The program’s curriculum, designed in conjunction with Babson College (the nation’s top-ranked entrepreneurship school), focuses on immediately applicable skills, including how to:

  • Identify and evaluate business opportunities
  • Understand and manage the competitive business environment
  • Analyze financial statements
  • Access financial capital
  • Become a more effective leader
  • How to become a more skilled negotiator

Across the United States, 10,000 Small Businesses graduates are growing their businesses and revitalizing their communities:

  • 69% of graduates grew revenue at 6 months
  • 48% of graduates created new jobs at 6 months
  • 85% of graduates do business with each other
  • 99% graduation rate

We hope to see you there!


Firework Display, Firework New Year, Celebration, Backgrounds, Fourth of July

Fourth of July is the celebration of the United State’s independence day. According to forecasts by the National Safety Council, an estimated 409 people will be killed due to car accidents on Independence Day weekend; another 49,000 will be injured. Holidays are some of the most dangerous days for drivers because more people are off work, consuming alcohol and driving further and longer.

There is an average 37% increase in highway fatalities on July 4th, compared to the average day in July. According to AAA, approximately 42 million Americans will be traveling to celebrate the fourth of July. More than 85% of people will be driving to their fourth of July destination, an average of 50 miles from home. An estimated 3.2 million people will be flying to their fourth of July destination.

Preventing Injuries:

Car Accidents

Fourth of July is one of the deadliest American holidays for drivers. Other than Memorial Day weekend is comparable to the number of injuries and risk. Since most students are home and out of school for the summer, and the sun is coming out more, families are more likely to go on trips for this holiday.


Fourth of July is known for massive fireworks displays all over the country. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, thousands of people are injured each year from fireworks-related injuries. An average of 10 people are killed each year due to fireworks displays going wrong. Here are some safety tips from the National Council on Fireworks Safety:

  • Alcohol and fireworks do not mix. Save your alcohol for after the show.
  • Only light one firework at a time and remember to stay at a safe distance
  • Have a bucket of water and access to a water hose in case sparks start a fire
  • Never experiment with homemade fireworks
  • Wear safety glasses when shoot fireworks

Rob Levine & Associates

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