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Continuing Education for the Business Owner

Time tends to go by very quickly when you’re in the trenches of running your own business! The day-to-day tasks of a small business can be overwhelming and take up most of your day. By the time you have a minute to reflect, a month has gone by and you’ve done nothing but tread water. The world is changing, marketing is changing, and best practices are changing, and you’re left wondering how you can possibly fit more into your day? There’s no way you can add anything else, like learning and implementing the newest trends in business while managing your daily to-do list.

This is where the newest trend in continuing education can come to the rescue – online classes. Created by both real world professionals and educators, these classes are created for the busy small business owner. They are often presented in smaller modules that are easy to sneak in during the day and can range in topics from current marketing trends, time management and how to drive sales.

college student study in the library

college student study in the library

The online class is one our favorite new things. It’s an amazing way to pick the brains of those that are rocking it in the business world. However, there are a lot of classes out there, and it can be difficult to know which ones are worth investing in. We have a few tips on what to look for to ensure the class is top quality and will work for your needs:

  • Make sure they’ve implemented their techniques on their own business. The best way to tell if someone is the real deal is if they don’t just teach, but actually do. Make sure they mention using their strategies on themselves, and if they give real world examples of how it was successful.
  • Get an outline of the class before purchasing. Real classes will give you a full, in-depth look of the class BEFORE making you buy it. They should walk you through the modules, clearly explain what you’ll learn, and what you’ll get which should give you a good idea if it’s what you’re looking for.
  • Make sure your personalities jive. Not only does the information need to be legit but you need to actually like the person to retain any of it. Check out some of their videos and articles to see if you like how they speak, phrases they use and if you can easily understand the way they present the content.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Those disseminating and selling the information shouldn’t be afraid to answer questions you have about their product. Ask them to give you more in-depth information on what’s covered in the class, if it’s updated as things change and how long it will take to finish the class.

If you take a couple minutes to Google different topics you’re interested in learning more about, you’re bound to find a variety of classes that will fit your needs. To give you a little bit of a head start we’re breaking down our personal favorites that we can guarantee are well worth the investment.

Jump Start Your FB Marketing – Amy Porterfield – $197. Amy Porterfield is one of our favorite online educators and learning about FB marketing is one of the things almost all business owners need help with. This class breaks down how to optimize your FB presence as well as drive more sales and traffic through your page.

Creating and Delivering 5 Figure Webinars – Amy Porterfield – $1000+. Another Amy Porterfield course, this one is a significant investment. We have taken this class ourselves and find the information completely worth the 4-figure price tag. It breaks down everything from how to use webinars to promote your business, to how to build one from scratch, to how to market it effectively. It’s been a tactic that we’ve found has been an integral tool in promoting our business. Check out the free webinar in the link to learn more about the class before committing to see if it makes sense for your business.

Power of Pinning – Melanie Duncan – $297. A great option for those looking to explore Pinterest and learn how this platform can be used to help drive traffic to websites and sell products directly through the platform. It also dives into Pinterest SEO and how you can optimize your pins not just for Pinterest but Google as well.

Instagram With Intention – Hilary Rushford – $97. An awesome class that breaks down Instagram and how to create share worthy photos for it. It also talks about how to properly use hashtags as well as get more followers. The only downside is it doesn’t run continuously all year long but you can sign up for her emails and you’ll get notice as soon as it opens up again.

Big SEO For Small Businesses – Amy Fields – $179. We couldn’t write an article about online classes without adding a shameless plug for our own! Big SEO utilizes a series of techniques that we’ve implemented on our own website, as well as countless client websites. If you want to help drive your website up in search to then drive more traffic and sales without spending money on ads this is for you! We, and many other people, think it’s pretty great (if we do say so ourselves) so click on the link above to watch a video and learn more!


Rhode Island – Dog Bites

Every year, many Americans are bitten by a dog. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, over 4.5 million people are bitten by a dog each year in the U.S. If you have found yourself in this predicament, you are not alone. If you have been bitten by a dog, the first thing you should do is seek medical attention. Untreated dog bites can lead to such severe injury, infections and can even be fatal. If you want to pursue legal action against the owner of the dog that bit you, then you will want to hire an expert dog to bite attorney as soon as possible. Dog bite victims in Rhode Island have three years to file a claim before the statute of limitations runs out.

Dog Owner Liability:

Under Rhode Island Statutes 4-13-16, dog bites are viewed under “strict liability.” The statute means that “the defendant is held liable if a particular event occurs, regardless of whether the defendant could have done anything to prevent the event.” To be more specific, if a dog assaults, bites or injures a person or an animal belonging to another person the owner of the biting dog will be held liable. The person or injured animal cannot be on the property of the dog’s owner when the bite occurs because it can be seen as an intruder, another law pertains to this instance. This statute applies to any and all injuries that a dog causes to people or other animals.

This statute applies to dog bites but also other injuries a dog has caused, such as a dog knocking someone over and injuring them. The other person can file a claim against the dog’s owner if they are injured. If someone is injured by another person’s dog while on the other person’s property, the injuries will ball under the “one bite” rule.

RI “One Bite” Rule

The “one bite” rule takes effect when someone steps on to another person’s property or home and is bitten or injured by their dog. In this particular situation, the “one bite” rule takes effect if the dog hasn’t bitten anyone before now so the owner couldn’t have known they would act aggressively in this manner. The injured person will have to prove that the owner had knowledge that the dog was dangerous or hostile towards other people for the owner to be liable. This is where an experienced Rhode Island attorney like Rob Levine will be able to research and fight for your justice!

Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Information Session to be Held at The Hive RI

Small business owners are invited to join The Hive RI, the Southern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce, and the North Kingstown Chamber of Commerce for a free information session on Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses.

10,000 Small Businesses is an education program that helps small business owners grow and create jobs by providing them with greater access to education, financial capital and business-support services. Through the program, participants will gain practical skills in topics such as negotiation, marketing, and employee management, and receive the tools to develop a customized business plan for growth.

This free information session, held on July 14th at The Hive RI, will begin at 5:30 pm. Presentation begins at 6:00 PM, Q&A from 6:30 PM, one-on-one Q&A/networking until 7:30 PM. Light refreshments will be provided. RSVP to by July 11th, and check out our Facebook event page here.

The program’s curriculum, designed in conjunction with Babson College (the nation’s top-ranked entrepreneurship school), focuses on immediately applicable skills, including how to:

  • Identify and evaluate business opportunities
  • Understand and manage the competitive business environment
  • Analyze financial statements
  • Access financial capital
  • Become a more effective leader
  • How to become a more skilled negotiator

Across the United States, 10,000 Small Businesses graduates are growing their businesses and revitalizing their communities:

  • 69% of graduates grew revenue at 6 months
  • 48% of graduates created new jobs at 6 months
  • 85% of graduates do business with each other
  • 99% graduation rate

We hope to see you there!


Cars flying by speed limit sign

Speeding is one of the most prevalent causes of traffic crashes at a severe cost. According to data gathered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, an estimated 30% of all fatal crashes in 2012 were due to speeding. For 2012, 30% of all fatal crashes equals 10,219 lives were lost that year due to speeding-related crashes. Speeding-related fatalities have decreased over the past decade.

Speeding Statistics

According to data from the National Center for Statistics and Analysis, men ages 15-20 are involved in over 37% of all fatal crashes attributed to speeding. Men 21-24 also represented 37% of total fatal crashes. Alcohol use, when combined with speeding, can dramatically increase the possibility of accident and death. In 2012 over 42% of all speeding drivers had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of higher than the legal limit.

Consequences in Rhode Island

Each state is different with how they punish drivers who are caught speeding. Most traffic violations including not using a turn signal or eluding a traffic light will get you a fine of $75. Speeding tickets are considered more dangerous. If you are caught driving 10 miles over the posted speed limit you can be fined $85, 11 miles or more over the speed limit costs a minimum of $195 with a $10 increase for each mile over. Auto insurance rate can increase if you plead guilty or are found guilty of a traffic violation. You can contact your insurance provider to see if there is anything you can do to lower it again.

Speeding increases the driver’s inability to react or stop the car while driving. This can lead to causing an accident, injury, property damages and even fatalities. Drivers that end up causing an accident due to speeding will face even harsher sentencing because of their negligent actions. Be smart and do not risk your life and the lives of the people around you.


Rob Levine & Associates

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