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(Newport, RI) – Attorney Rob Levine & Associates is proud to sponsor a day of safe and fun skating at the newly reopened Newport Skating Center in downtown Newport at the Newport Yachting Center this Saturday, February 6th from 2-5pm. Rob Levine & Associates (RLA) is very excited to commit their time, energy and resources to sponsoring days of safe fun for the whole family throughout the month of February.

Island Skating Academy Director Meg Lamarre and her skating instructors will be on the ice offering skating safety tips. Skating instruction is FREE with the purchase of admission! Be sure to say hi to the RLA team and grab free ear muffs and lip balm to keep you protected from the winter weather.

Stay tuned to the Rob Levine & Associates Facebook page as they will continue to share upcoming events:

For more information on the Newport Skating Center please visit, and for more info on Island Skating Academy please visit


Veterans and National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2015

Disabled man in front of a business centre

President Obama recently reminded the nation about equality and justice for those with disabilities in his proclamation. October is National Disability Employment Month. While many in the nation strive to rebound from the recession, it can be especially difficult for Veterans with disabilities to find work in addition to receiving compensation they are entitled to for injuries and illnesses.

Those with disabilities account for one-fifth of the country’s population yet unemployment rates are double compared to those who are not living with injuries or limitations. It’s especially unfortunate that honorable men and women who served the country in the military should suffer such hardships upon returning to the workforce and civilian life.

Information and compensation is available, yet understanding eligibility and the ways to seek funds can be incredibly confusing!

How to Apply for Benefits

Veterans may apply for disability benefits while still in the military or after discharge. It doesn’t matter if you’re still in the hospital, in rehab, or enrolled in outpatient treatment via a military or civilian program. Vets may apply online, in person, by mail, or by telephone. All that is required is filing the initial claim to begin the process. You can apply online or download the form (21-526EZ) on the VA website ( This process can be confusing and frustrating along the way and unfortunately often leads to a denial when you first apply. Finding someone to help you appeal the denial and fight for your right to receive the benefits you deserve is important. Remember not to give up if you are denied the first time or receive a lower rating than you deserve.

Special Monthly Compensation

Veterans Affairs pays additional compensation to those who suffered the loss of specific organs, or extremities. Furthermore, veterans with a combination of disabilities are entitled to extended compensation.   In severe cases, veterans are bedridden, housebound, or need assistance from nurses and medical aides. Special payments can be received for aid and attendance, the amount depends upon the level of recognized disability. It’s best to hire the assistance of legal counsel.

Getting Help

Those who have honorably served our country should expect the same level of help in adjusting to short or long-term disability. Veterans need to contact their local VA offices for information regarding SMC (Special Monthly Compensation). The VA will review medical evidence and make a compensation decision.

You are not alone. An experienced and driven legal counselor can help you get the attention and benefits you need and deserve. Allow a lawyer to review your case for free. You fought for your country. Now let someone fight for your disability rights.

About Rob Levine & Associates

As a veteran Rob has decided it is important to give back and help other veterans get the benefits they deserve. In addition to Veterans Disability, Rob Levine & Associates practices Personal Injury throughout Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts, as well as Social Security Disability nationwide . As “The Heavy Hitter” Rob Levine not only works hard on your case, but also believes in making a positive impact in the communities he serves. Through internal resources, education and volunteerism, Rob Levine & Associates strives to help prevent accidents, as well as raise awareness around the needs of our elderly and returning veterans. For more information visit, or call 401.529.1222, toll free at 800.529.1222.

Free Ride program helps community…

Rob Levine visits The Rhode Show

Have you ever wished there was a ‘free ride’ option when you’re at one end of town and you need to get to the other end fast?

Rob Levine-Rob Levine and Associates joined us Wednesday on The Rhode Show, to discuss his new ‘Free Ride’ program and some of his other community initiatives.

At the Car Wash…

Shine for the Heavy Hitter

What happens when your company grows (and grows and grows!) and you want to keep that family feel?  Well, in our case we’re trying to think outside the box as much as possible and are continuing to come up with creative ways to make sure our employees know how much they mean to us at Rob Levine & Associates.  We are a team – one that works really hard and that we’re trying to keep rewarded for all that hard work.  We’ve had a busy Summer full of team outings like a recent BBQ at McCoy Stadium.  We surprised them with pizza parties and an ice cream truck recently then this week we scheduled a company, SHINE, to come to our office and clean our employee’s cars!

At the car wash
Workin’ at the car wash, yeah
Come on and sing it with me
(Listen to this oldie but goody here Car wash)

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