The Aspiration Project

Introducing The Aspiration Project, an ongoing photographic study of ambition, perseverance, entrepreneurship, passion and drive from a female point of view.

Founded by Blueflash Photography, the Project aims to showcase women in the Rhode Island area who are turning their passion into their profession by chasing their dreams and leaving the typical cubicle career behind to do something every day that excites them.

The women profiled may be business owners, “employed-preneurs,” or acting as part of an existing business or organization to make great things happen through their own unique talents and flair.  But they all have one thing in common: a go-getter spirit that sets them apart in making the leap from “aspiring” to “doing.”  The goal of The Aspiration Project is to inspire other women who are kicking around the thought of making that leap for themselves.

The full Aspiration Project gallery can be viewed as it evolves on the Blueflash blog at  But a snippet of one profile will also be featured each month here in the pages of RISBJ.   So, on to this month’s Aspiring Woman.

Aspiring Woman:  Sierra Barter

What’s your passion?
Organizing, interior design and styling. I love creating a space that not only is cute but practical, too. It’s hard for me to appreciate a space that’s ONLY visually appealing- I need it to be practical and cozy, too.

Tell us about your work.
In 2009 I started Clementine Lime, an interior styling and event design company focusing on local sustainability, simplistic efficiency and design-minded organization.  It started as a fun side project to help me focus on something other than work…and I loved it!

I am still an “employed-preneur” and I feel like I can balance my full-time “real” job with Clementine Lime to have a business based on my passions. I think when people start a business they feel like they have to quit their job right away- and that isn’t always the case.

What spurred the conversion from hobby to business?
I always got this weird, fulfilling, joyful feeling after I cleaned a room or conquered a closet…I just LOVE to rearrange, organize and shop around in my own home. I knew that not many other people got as happy to clean out a desk, so I offered to do it for them.

Any advice or quote that has inspired you?
“A year from now you will wish you had started today.” – Karen Lamb

What’s the best advice you can give to someone contemplating turning their love into their livelihood?
Just do it- you have to try. And, don’t quit your day job right away…it takes a lot of time (and patience). Even if you’re not exactly where you want to be right away, give it time and work hard. 

If you’ve got ’em, what are your website or blog addresses?  
Website:  |  Blog:


Aspiring Women Wanted
If you’d like to participate in The Aspiration Project, please contact Matt Celeste:

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