Organizing In RI, LLC

Opened: April 6, 2012

Number of Employees: 1

Address: no store front


Twitter: OrganizingInRI


Biggest challenge: My biggest challenge when deciding to start my business was brainstorming how I was going to market my business and how I would get in front of my target audience. I also wondered how the public would respond to my type of business and how well it would do in this economy. Having a positive outlook and ignoring the people that said I couldn’t do it only made me want to do it more and strive to be successful!


In February of this year, I decided it was time to start my own business. My dad owns his own business and my grandparents were also self-employed.

I’ve always wanted to have my own business but the timing was never right. Strong work ethic, drive and determination to succeed is what propelled me forward to reach this dream.

I started searching online for any resources that could help me establish my business. I found RISBJ which had very informative articles and resources. There was a section in the journal that advertised free seminars through the RI Small Business Recovery Program. I attended almost every free seminar in February that they offered and learned some very valuable information. These seminars motivated, energized, and excited me to move forward with my new venture!

I always surround myself with positive, uplifting people and often look to motivational quotes to inspire me.

By networking and talking to people, I have found there are many people that need my organizational help. Whether it be the busy professional juggling career and family, the disorganized small business owner, or homeowners that want more free time, want to save money, have less stress and have more energy. Organizing In RI is here to help.


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Avatar About the Author: The Rhode Island Small Business Journal is a printed monthly magazine and an online resource for the aspiring and start-up entrepreneur and small business owner.

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