Now That You or Your Small Business is on Twitter, Now What?

You are up and running with your logo on Twitter with a rocking profile. You should be aiming to follow at least 500-1,000 tweeps or even more. Choose them wisely. Pick those in your niche or in your local area.  You can search on the top of Twitter for keywords to find them. Be sure they have tweeted recently (not months or years ago).   Here are some other places you can find good tweeps and places for you to register your Twitter name too!

Twitter States – This is a directory by states of the top tweeps by followers or friends and gives you some info on them via their profiles.

Twellow –  A Twitter directory that is based by categories.

Twiends – This is a place to grow twitter “seeds”. You follow people for points and then other people follow you.

We-Follow – A place to add yourself and find others in your niche. They categorize most people by tags in this directory.

Twibs – A business directory for business tweeps. There is a place to display your email; website and blog.

TweetFind – A similar directory like the above one.  You can add yourself and find others by categories and follow more people.

There are many more Twitter listings as well but these the basic good ones to start with.

How can you keep track of your followers and who you are following? There are several ways you can track them.

Lists – One of the best ways is to put people in lists. You can have up to 10 lists on Twitter and 500 people in each list. You can add and delete anyone at anytime. You can have lists protected so others cannot see who is on your list.

Twitter Karma – A great app that you log in via your Twitter account and it tells you who is following you back or not; along with the last time they tweeted. If they have not tweeted in months, why continue to follow them?

Social Bro – This is an awesome new app that can do a lot for you with Twitter. It can tell you everything about your Twitter community and even give you the best time to tweet to them. It can be used with the Buffer app which I will get into soon. This app tells you who are your most influential tweeps and who are inactive tweeps, etc. It takes a little time to set up but the dashboard is really great with a lot of useful information.

Now you must be wondering how will I have time for Twitter?

2 Must Have’s – One is a Smartphone with the Tweetcaster application and the other is the Buffer app. You can use the free versions of both or purchase the pro editions. With Tweetcaster you can have up to 4 accounts for free. I prefer Tweetcaster over the Twitter app itself. (Some people prefer the Twitter app.) I like the Tweetcaster app because it can let you see “conversations”. If someone tweets hours ago and you forget the conversation you can see it with Tweetcaster. You can also retweet with comments on this app vs. the Twitter app itself.

With either app that you use for Twitter on your Smartphone be sure that your settings are set up so that you are not constantly getting tweets or messages. Maybe have it set for every 1-4 hours.  Whatever works best for you – you will know in time. Sometimes you can be on Twitter at the perfect time to see someone tweet that they are looking for a product that you are selling. You can either send them a Direct Message (DM) or a tweet back with a special offer.

With my favorite app – The Buffer app lets you tweet out 10 tweets per day timed with their Free edition. Buffer is wonderful. You can set up your tweets each morning and they will roll out at the time you set them up to. If you use Social Bro it will tell you the best times for you to tweet! Amazing stuff.  The Buffer also has an “inspire me” app that lets you pick out quotes to tweet from it. Love that one!   My favorite quote from The Buffer is “On Facebook, you can reach some friends. On Twitter…you can reach the world.”

If you want to monitor special keywords on Twitter you can do that with Social Mention. This is another great tool to use. You can have it emailed to you as well. So when someone types a keyword on any of the many social media platforms you will be able to view it and respond to it. It can make you feel like you are working for the FBI. You can send people a message on Facebook or Tweet them a special for them to try your products. Some people will thank you – others will wonder how did you know what they were talking about over on Facebook or Twitter?

Another tool I recommend is The Follow Friday Helper tool. Friday is a huge day over on Twitter and if you want to wish someone a Happy Friday but are afraid to miss someone you can use the Follow Friday Helper tool. You may also use this tool on any day of the week. If you are having a special and want to tweet out to your tweeps it will be easier to find your most active ones with this tool.  Many people will use it on holidays and days when their Twitter feed is light.

And last don’t expect miracles overnight but over a few months you will begin to see a difference with Twitter: The contacts you make, the website visits you get and maybe even some orders and sales along the way. As always Happy Tweeting! If you would like more Twitter resources, visit my personal blog at

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