Volume 4, Issue 6

Vol 4 Issue 6Culture Shock
We often hear stories about how cool it is to work at companies like Google and Apple. From the way their offices are constructed to how they treat and motivate employees, companies like this have built a strong culture that send a positive message to their employees. It’s also a big part of why they’ve become so innovative and successful.

So how can your business follow suit? Here are 6 keys to building a successful culture within your organization.

Defining your culture

The first key to developing a culture within your organization is defining what you actually want that culture to be. We view technology startups as having a fun, busy, energizing environment that promotes regular interaction between employees. This same culture however, wouldn’t necessarily work for a law firm or an accounting practice. We need to carefully align our culture with who we are, who our staff is, who are clients are and what type of work we perform.

Sharing Your Vision

Having a clear picture in your mind of where you want to take your company is great. It’s important to have a clear vision and set strong goals. But it’s just as important to share that vision and those goals with staff. Letting everyone know what you’re working towards and what expectations you have for the company will be sure to get your staff excited to come to work each day.

Hiring the Right People

It’s important to have competent staff in positions to get the job done well, but it’s equally important to have people that fit in with your culture and will work well with others. There is a difficult balance between teamwork and talent, but finding the right mix is critical to forming a strong culture.


In companies with strong culture, everyone feels like they are part of the success of the company. This is a key factor in motivating employees to perform their best and it helps to ensure their loyalty to the company. Holding regular meetings where everyone can provide feedback and updates on what they are working on, along with the company sharing how all of those pieces fit together will help with this.

Nurturing Leadership

While many people like the comfort of coming to work and performing similar tasks each day, others are looking for a more active role. The opportunity for growth within an organization is what fuels many of us. Look to some of your key staff for their interest in growth and opportunity, and put them in positions of leadership. Allow them to run meetings, train other staff and be part of big picture strategic discussions. Empowering organizational leaders will help with building and maintain your culture.

Do Something Fun

All work and no play makes a company boring. Give your employees something to look forward to outside of work. This will allow staff to bond with each other, as well as allowing you to get to know them all on more personal level. Start by having quarterly social gatherings at a local restaurant or do something fun like play pool or go bowling. These outside of work activities are sure to make your staff feel valued and allow them to get to know each other even better.

Developing a strong culture takes time, but it is an important part of building a successful company. We don’t all need video games and hammocks at our office, but finding what works best within your organization will lead to a happier, more productive team.

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