LEAN: Effective Business Solutions for the Office

FALL RIVER, MA – Your competitive edge is linked to your ability to rapidly deploy effective business solutions.  This presentation will provide an overview of Lean’s innovative system and proven methodology used to drive sustainable, continuous improvement and give your business the competitive edge while improving the bottom line.  The reality of business today is companies that are more efficient than their competitors in providing customers with high-quality goods and services will thrive.  Companies which are less efficient than their competitors will perish.

Lean is an operational philosophy used to achieve continual gains in productivity while satisfying customer’s expectations for quality and prompt delivery.  The key principle of Lean is that waste is the underlying driver of inefficiency.  By identifying and eliminating waste, companies can reduce their costs, secure profits and meet customer’s expectations surviving and thriving in today’s difficult climate.  Please join Tom Pesaturo, Lean Expert and Principal of Exceeda Consulting, for this dynamic workshop.

This FREE event will be held on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. at the Cherry & Webb/UMass Dartmouth Building, 139 South Main Street – 4th floor, Fall River, MA and is sponsored by the Fall River Office of Economic Development.   Space is limited, so please register on line and click on Event Calendar or call us at 508-673-9783 x10.   Metered parking is available on South Main Street.

The Fall River Office of Economic Development (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gA9OxUmINuwY9TAPv7YuLLqO4vbc-f-F2o3uSWvcBM9rI4zXUdtMsfy1zQVCoaWIQOAR0oGY3m8tQPID9BFb3tkus9GAxyB76zsaaPYlFQ2Wc_BVx6Zgh2HeWmcmZ0uo1fDvLb6n-CMuqJKugBygA48i2bXw_5Yv&c=RP5wwOu2ut-0eMEhiV3C-QhHQxPlc-Xd54XXh8V1FPSY3MkjuC4JQA==&ch=cJINA9ayAQ78VPObBZDANaIARoovv_puhEJUKmXYIzUn1y0sSq3fEw==) helps businesses evaluate the many advantages of locating in Fall River, offering aggressive incentive programs including low-interest financing, tax exemptions, employee recruitment and training services, and site selection assistance.

The MA Small Business Development Center Network (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gA9OxUmINuwY9TAPv7YuLLqO4vbc-f-F2o3uSWvcBM9rI4zXUdtMsZ7m6RfmEcUz00-fMv2BPDHEKB9quT6U8rpqHmhDiPbrvAbe_1PhY5HhZ8iWZ1BE5OuXZjerpDekL180HbbzqFHxJsISs-qgEZoWmtva-t55vuBckmY7eJ8IsUv2WY_CgQ==&c=RP5wwOu2ut-0eMEhiV3C-QhHQxPlc-Xd54XXh8V1FPSY3MkjuC4JQA==&ch=cJINA9ayAQ78VPObBZDANaIARoovv_puhEJUKmXYIzUn1y0sSq3fEw==) provides free and confidential business advice to existing or prospective small business people.  We also offer training seminars on a variety of topics, including starting a business, financial planning, government procurement, marketing, social media, and international trade assistance.

Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the

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