Does Your Commercial Property Have Curb Appeal?

What does your commercial property say about you and your company?  Would it say you keep it clean and refreshed with seasonal plants, trimmed hedges and a mowed lawn?  Or would it say you have completely abandoned it, leaving dying trees, yellowed grass, and an abundance of weeds to take over the land?  If you are the latter, you need to consider making some changes, not only for your property’s sake, but also for your company’s.

Your business location’s curb appeal has a huge effect on whether or not a customer decides to do business with you.  Imagine pulling in to an office building with overgrown hedges, dying plants and dried up grass.  What kind of impression do you have?  Cue the tumbleweed because this office building might as well be a ghost town with the lack of visitors it receives.  Even employees won’t feel comfortable entering properties that aren’t taken care of, so you need to make sure that your piece of land, no matter how big or small, looks inviting and welcoming.

Some business owners do not pursue landscaping for their commercial properties because they are worried about costs; however, landscaping should be viewed as a profitable investment into your business, and if you hire the right company, it can be very cost-effective.  One study from Clemson University even found that hiring a professional landscaping company to create a beautiful outdoor space can provide a 100% return on your investment.  The study, along with many others, also found that landscaping can increase your property value by as much as 15%!

A study by the Florida Nursery Growers & Landscape Association broke the percentages down even further.  They found that a landscaped curb can raise property value by 4.4%, and properly maintained hedges can add 3.6% to the property value.  They also discovered that when landscaping companies properly place certain types of trees, plants, and flowers, heating and cooling costs can go down by as much as 20%….imagine the savings!

Even the wilderness will appreciate you more if you improve your landscaping efforts.  Instead of bugs decomposing dead garden matter, your visitors will see more butterflies, songbirds, and hummingbirds, creating a pleasing, friendly environment.  The air quality and noise level will also improve around your office once healthy trees are planted to remove carbon dioxide and absorb sound waves.

Remember, the smallest of landscaping improvements–yard cleaning, regular lawn cutting, etc.– can have a significant effect on the success of your business.  You only get one chance to make an initial impression, so make sure that it’s a good one by hiring a landscaping company!

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